The United Nations Office for Project Services is established in 1973 an operational part of the United Nations. Dedicated to implementing projects for the United Nations System, international financial institutions, governments, and other partners around the world.

Solution: Web app
Client: UNOPS
Release date: 2021


UNOPS offers implementation, advisory and transactional services in its five core areas of expertise: Infrastructure, Procurement, Project Management, Financial Management, Human Resources.

UNOPS is a member of the United Nations Sustainable Development Group and works particularly closely with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Department of Peace Operations (DPO), and the World Bank. Since 1995 the organization is fully self-financed.

The UNOPS vision is to “advance sustainable implementation practices in development, humanitarian and peacebuilding contexts” in global most challenging environments.

Project goal

The UNOPS mission sustainable development, which is human development goals while simultaneously sustaining the ability of natural systems to provide the natural resources and ecosystem services on which the economy and society depend. The desired result is a state of society where living conditions and resources are used to continue to meet human needs without undermining the integrity and stability of the natural system. That is why UNOPS works in the most challenging places of the earth like Sudan, Afghanistan, or Liberia, building schools, wells, or fighting with dangerous diseases.

The main goal of the project was to deliver the easy-to-use, intuitive, and responsive API and Frontend for ERP system for financial management. Thanks to our recent experience we were able to deliver that kind of solution.

Roles in the project

Client’s side:

  • Project managment
  • Product managment


Better Software Norge side:

  • UX design
  • API and Frontend development in team extension model

General problem

UNOPS manages many projects across the globe. The main problem was to create a tool that helps many non-technical people manage the projects, communicate, and control the project’s budget.We had to create the intuitive and easy-to-use Frontend based on the Client’s backend solution.
We had to provide changes both on the server side as well client side, to create proper tools for users.



We extended client’s frontend side, and created an intuitive dashboard with the communicator for project members add our custom solution in Javascript file together with custom CSS definition and use both for creating the screen content supporting API to be more responsive and assembling together native mechanisms like attributes and relations, master-files, document archive, workflow – so basically it will be some sort of facades + rest services to communicate with client-side.

What we have learned

We created a tool in which every project has community space focused on collaboration with team chat, document archive, and many more custom-tailored widgets a dashboard with “budget book” where user can define and track project budget and easily amend the numbers every single object might have conversations pinned.

It was our first project when our developers and architects were working that close with the client’s development team. We’ve ensured that our experience and best practices about building useful Frontend and UX is essential in every project.